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Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit ca. 1-3 Geschäftstage
- Bewertung: AixVinum: 94+/100 - Parker: 92+/100
- Kurzbeschreibung: Sandrone Valmaggiore Nebbiolo D'Alba Magnum 2011 Piemont Italien Rotwein
- Artikel-Nr.: 3505112
Sandrone Valmaggiore Nebbiolo D'Alba 2011 Piemont Italien Rotwein. Luciano Sandrone, einer der Qualitätsfanatiker aus dem Piemont ... seine Weine sind legendär. Der Valmaggiore, der kleine Barolo, kann vorzüglich altern und bringt sehr viel Nebbiolofreude! Der Valmaggiore entsteht im Ruerogebiet und aus Lucianos starker Leidenschaft für die Rebsorte Nebbiolo und aus dem Bestreben, deren verschiedene Ausdrucksformen, je nach Anbaugebiet, aufzuzeigen. Der Hügel ist geprägt von einem starken Gefälle und einem recht sandigen Boden. Diese Charakteristiken, gemeinsam mit der hohen Bepflanzungsdichte -8000 Stöcke pro Hektar- und dem niedrigen Ertrag, verleihen dem Wein einen besonderen Charakter, üppig aber elegant und stets sehr fruchtig.
The 2011 Nebbiolo d'Alba Valmaggiore Sibi et Pauci is a special late-release edition that hits the market four years following its original release. Anywhere from 10-15% of production is put aside in the cellar to be part of this program. This expression is very much intact and shows little in terms of tertiary definition. The bouquet is plump and robust with dried blackberry and plum. The wine's color is a bit lighter with pretty ruby highlights, but this wine offers thick fiber and silky endnotes. Nebbiolo from the Valmaggiore vineyard in Roero shows a more streamlined palate compared to Nebbiolo from the Langhe. You could pair it with meat or fish baked in potato crust.
The amphitheater. The Valmaggiore vineyard in the Roero hills, on the left bank of the Tanaro river, is one of the best historic sources of origin and quality. Already in the nineteenth century, the Nebbiolo grapes grown in this vineyard were so highly regarded that they dictated the price for the entire territory. In the 1990s, the first sight of Valmaggiore was like a bolt of lightning for Luciano, Luca and Barbara: they fell in love at first sight. This was not only for the history and the long viticultural tradition, but also for the particular uniqueness of those sandy soils combined with the microclimate.
All "hand-made". Our Valmaggiore is an amphitheater facing the south, with full exposure to the sun. Here, nature is rich and vigorous. The ground is soft and sandy, the slopes extremely steep. Already in the planting of the vineyard, the respect for nature and traditions were strategic. This respect is present every day: we cultivate by hand, row by row, from bud break to when we harvest the ripest grapes; we make our vineyard a laboratory for healthy and well-cultivated fruit.
The Nebbiolo in Roero. In Roero, a significant historic agricultural richness has been preserved, and not only in viticulture. Here, Nebbiolo is distinguished for its finesse and elegance and we, like those in the past who were also proud and convinced, wish that our Valmaggiore wine expresses all the grace and refinement of Nebbiolo.
Rechtlicher Hinweis: Bei alten Weinen können wir keine Garantie über deren Trinkbarkeit geben und leisten dementsprechend keinen Ersatz.
Allergene: Sulfite - Alkoholgehalt: 13,5% - Abfüller: Sandrone, Via Pugnane, 4, 12060 Barolo CN, Italien - Einführer: AixVinum, Niklas Kudlek, Vaalser Str. 90 A, 52074 Aachen